World Bully Registry – WBR


American Bulldog

American Bulldog

The roots of the American Bulldog can be traced back to ancient times, with a significant presence in the Southeastern United States, particularly Georgia and surrounding states. Arriving with early English settlers in the 18th century, the breed became integral to farm life. The modern American Bulldog, recognized for its grit and athleticism, served as a versatile farm utility dog, adept at handling wild boars, livestock, and guarding against trespassers. Valued for its temperament, it seamlessly integrated into family life as an “estate dog” or “farm utility dog,” embodying essential traits.

In the 1950s, John D. Johnson initiated the breed’s modern era by collecting Bulldogs from Georgia, promoting them as the American “Pit” Bulldog. By 1985, the “Pit” was dropped to avoid confusion with the American Pit Bull Terrier. Johnson penned the breed standard decades ago, witnessing minimal changes over the years. However, we believe that the current standard doesn’t fully represent the diverse American Bulldog gene pool.

Breed Standard

The American Bulldog is a robust, muscular dog with a slightly longer than tall body. Notable for a large head and broad muzzle, it may have various ear types and a docked or natural tail. Solid colors, white with patches, and brindle are accepted. Males are typically larger. Honorable scars from field work are not penalized, and the breed should be assessed as a working dog.

Essential traits include power, agility, confidence, and a large head with strong jaws. A gentle family companion, it must also be fearless in facing challenges. Standoffishness with strangers in young Bulldogs is common but should not be penalized.

Large and broad, the skull is flat, deep, and broad between ears. Muzzle is broad and thick, tapering slightly. Powerful jaws and well-defined stop are essential. Acceptable bites vary between standard and bully types.

Muscular, with a slight arch, the neck must be long enough for leverage but short enough for power. A slight dewlap is acceptable.

Strong shoulders and heavily boned forelegs. Forelegs may incline slightly inward. Pasterns are short and powerful.

Deep, moderately wide chest with well-sprung ribs. Topline slopes slightly downward. Short, broad loin and moderately tucked-up flank.

Well-muscled and broad hindquarters with balanced angulation to forequarters. Thighs are well-developed, and rear pasterns are well let down.

Round, medium-sized, well-arched, and tight feet. Splayed feet are a fault.

May be natural or docked, with a preferred thick, low-set natural tail reaching the hock joint. Any tail carriage is acceptable.

Short, close, and varies from soft to stiff. Length should not exceed one inch. Longer coats or feathering are faults.

Any color or pattern is acceptable, excluding solid black, solid blue, merle, tricolor, and full black masks. Less than 10% white markings is a serious fault.

Height and Weight:
Varies widely but should be powerful and agile. Leaner for standards, thicker for bullys. Desirable height: 22-27 inches for males, 20-25 inches for females.

Effortless, smooth, and powerful trot with good reach and drive. Backline remains level, and legs move straight without interference.

Cryptorchidism, viciousness, extreme shyness, cowardice, unilateral or bilateral deafness, difficulty breathing, wry jaw, overshot bite, crossed eyes, eyes of different colors, coat longer than one inch, albinism, solid black or blue with no white markings, tricolor, merle, full black mask.


American Bully

American Bully

The origins of the contemporary American Bully trace back to the mid-1990s in the United States, initiated by devoted breeders aiming to craft the ultimate family companion. This breed’s early development involved meticulous and selective crossbreeding of various bull breeds. The primary focus was on fostering a loyal, devoted, and steadfast temperament while enhancing desirable physical traits.

Celebrated for its extraordinary loyalty and dedication to family, the American Bully epitomizes stability, dedication, and confidence as an exceptional family companion. With an ideal temperament, it thrives on pleasing its owners, showcasing high intelligence, trainability, and diverse capabilities. Today, the modern American Bully excels in various societal roles, including Therapy Dogs and Working Dogs.

In terms of physique, the perfect American Bully is athletically built, exuding both massive strength and agility. Possessing a solid, well-defined muscular frame, males typically exhibit a stockier and heavier-boned structure compared to females. The average lifespan ranges from 10 to 14 years.

Breed Standard


The American Bully should give the impression of great strength for its size. It is a compact and medium/large size dog with a muscular body and blocky head. The American Bully should have the appearance of heavy bone structure with a bulky build and look.



The American Bully is a companion breed exhibiting confidence, a zest for life, along with an exuberant willingness to please and bond with their family, thus making the American Bully an excellent family companion. Despite the American Bully’s fierce and powerful appearance their demeanor is gentle. They are great with kids, and extremely friendly with strangers, other dogs, and other animals. Human or dog aggression, extreme shyness, or viciousness is very uncharacteristic of the American Bully and is highly undesirable.



  • •The distinct heavy, large and broad head of the American Bully exemplifies breed type.
  • • Medium in length, deep throughout, broad skull, well chiseled with very pronounced cheek muscles, distinct and deep stop.
  • • Ears- Set high and can be either natural or cropped.
  • • Eyes- All colors equally accepted except albinism (pinkish to red) which is a disqualification. Blue eyes, lack of pigment around the eyes are undesirable.
  • • Eye shape is oval to almond shape, low down in skull and set far apart. Round eyes are undesirable, and bulging or protruding eyes are a fault.
  • • Visibility of the haw should be minimal.
  • Faults: Overly visible haw. Both eyes not matched in color. Bulging or protruding eyes.Disqualifying Faults: Albinism eyes.
    • • Muzzle- Short-Medium in length and broad in width. Length to be shorter than the length of the skull with distance from the tip of the nose to the stop approximately one- third of the distance from the tip of the nose to the occiput; but not so short as to interfere with normal breathing. The muzzle is blocky or slightly squared to fall away abruptly below eyes. The topline of the muzzle is to be straight with nose neither pointed nor turned up in profile.
    • • Jaws- well defined.
    • • Under jaw- to be strong and parallel to muzzle, never turning upward.
    • • Lips- semi close and even, minimal looseness accepted but not preferred.

    Faults: Muzzle too long or snipey; muzzle so short as to interfere with normal breathing; lack of pronounced cheek and deep stop; weak under jaw; under jaw turning up; nose turning up or pushed back; excessive flews.

    • • Upper Teeth- to meet tightly outside lower teeth in form or scissor bite.

    Faults: Level bite, overshot bite, undershot bite and wry bite.

    Serious Faults: Severely overshot or undershot bites, measuring 1/4 inch (0.6cm) or more.

    • • Nose- Large with wide open nostrils. All colors/pigment acceptable except albinism
      (light pink in color).



    • • Heavy, muscular, slightly arched, tapering from shoulder to back of skull. Compact to medium size should have minimal or no loose skin.

    Faults: Neck too thin or weak; neck too short or too long.



    • • Shoulders to be strong and muscular with wide blades set wide; and well laid back. The upper arm is approximately equal to the length of the shoulder blade and joined at an angle of approximately 35 to 45 degrees.
    • • Forelegs- straight, strong, and sturdy with large or round bones, pasterns are strong, short and nearly erect. Feet- straight forward.
    • • Distance from the withers to the elbow is equal to the distance from the elbows to the bottom of the feet. Dogs that are slightly shorter in distance from the elbows to the bottom of the feet are acceptable but not desirable.

    Faults: Upright shoulders; steep and forward scapula (shoulder blade). Upper arm too short. Feet toeing either in or out; front legs bowed; down at the pasterns; splayed or flat feet; long toes.



    • • Heavily muscled, massive bulky body type of compact/medium length giving the impression of great power for its size and exemplifying the breed type of the American Bully.
    • • Ribs well-rounded creating a barrel chest with all ribs close together; rib cage to extend to the elbow or slightly below.
    • • Forelegs set rather wide apart to permit chest development.
    • • Chest- should be broad, deep, and well filled in; but should not be exaggerated as to interfere with normal movement.



    • • Fairly short to medium back, slight sloping from withers to rump or straight accepted with gentle short slope at rump to base of tail. The American Bully should give the appearance of a square body, equal in length when measured from point of shoulder to point of buttocks and from the withers to the ground.

    Faults: Back too long; rear higher than withers; weak or swayed topline; roached or wheel back.



    • • Well muscled, let down at hocks, turning neither in nor out.
    • • Muscular development, angulation and width of the hindquarters should be in balance with that of the forequarters.
    • • When viewed from the rear legs are to be straight and parallel.
    • • Croup should have a slight downward angle.

    Faults: Hocks turning in or out; cow hocks; sickle hocks; narrow hindquarters; straight or over-angulated stifle joints; bowed legs.



    • • Medium in comparison to size, low set, tapering to a fine point and extending approximately to the hock.
    • • When relaxed tail is to be carried low. When moving tail is carried level with the topline or in a raised position when excited (challenge tail), but should never be carried curled
      over, breaking the plane of the back (gay tail).
    • • Tail to be clear of any kinks, knots or any curvature.

    Faults: Tail to long or too short approximately up to an inch above or below point of the hock. Gay tail (carried over the plane of the back).

    Serious Faults: Kinked, knotted, or fused tail. Extremely short tail.

    Disqualifying Faults: Screwed, bobbed, or docked tail.



    • • Should be rounded and of moderate size in proportion to the dog, compact, well arched and tight.

    Faults: Splayed or flat feet, long toes.



    • • Short, glossy, close, stiff to smooth to the touch.
    • • Coat no longer than ½ inch (1 cm) in length.

    Faults: Curly or wavy coat.

    Serious Faults: Long coat.



    • • All colors and patterns are permissible except the pattern merle.

    Disqualifying Faults: Merle pattern


    • • Dogs should be healthy and should NOT reach the point where it is considered obese.
    • • Weight- There is no particular weight for the breed.
    • • Height and weight should be in proportion of the body frame.
    • • Height-Please see Variety Amendments.
    • • All varieties to exhibit “Bully” characteristics and breed type traits as described in the American Bully Standard, which are key elements of breed type for the American Bully breed.



    Males under 17 inches – 20 inches (43 cm – 51 cm) at the withers.
    Females under 16 inches – 19 inches (40 cm – 48 cm) at the withers.

    Important to note that the Standard American Bully dogs are not to be penalized for
    exhibiting heavily muscled, massive, bulky body type.



    • • The American Bully moves with a confident and proud attitude, while keenly alive and alert to its surroundings.
    • • Gait should be effortless and powerful. The action must, be unrestrained, free and vigorous with powerful drive off the rear. Front reach should be moderate and in balance with the rear.
    • • Legs turn neither in nor out, nor ever cross or interfere with each other.
    • • Dog moving on the same plane – Each leg moving in the same plane shared with the other leg on the same side with minimal convergence.
    • • Backline should remain level, with flexing to be very slight.

    Faults: Rolling; pacing; sidewinding; hackney action; paddling or pounding. Not moving on the same plane; legs over reaching; legs crossing over in front or rear; rear legs moving too close or touching.



    Faults to be penalized but not disqualifications for showing are:

    • • Both eyes not matched in color
    • • Overly visible haw
    • • Bulging or protruding eyes
    • • Muzzle too long or snipey
    • • Lack of pronounced/deep stop
    • • Weak underjaw
    • • Underjaw turning up
    • • Albinism nose (light pink)
    • • Nose turning up or pushed back
    • • Tail too long or too short (approx. 1 inch (2.5 cm) from point of hock)
    • • Curled tail (gay tail)
    • • Level or flush bite
    • • Overshot or Undershot bite
    • • Wry or cross bite
    • • Neck too thin or weak
    • • Neck too short or too long
    • • Upright shoulders; steep and forward scapula (shoulder blade)
    • • Upper arm too short
    • • Severe turned fronts (in or out)
    • • Bowed front legs
    • • Down at the pasterns (weak pasterns)
    • • Splayed or flat feet
    • • Long toes
    • • Hocks turning in or out; cow hocked
    • • Curly or wavy coat
    • • Movement: Rolling, pacing, sidewinding, hackney action, and paddling or pounding
    • • Not moving on the same plane – legs over reaching, crossing over in front or rear, or rear legs moving too close or touching



    Faults to be heavily penalized but not disqualifications for showing are:

    • • Severely overshot or undershot (1/4 inch (0.6cm)or more)
    • • Kinked tail
    • • Twisted tail
    • • Knotted tail
    • • Fused tail
    • • Overly Short tail
    • • Long coat



    • • Displaying or possessing aggressive behavior towards humans
    • • Pink or Albino eyes
    • • Merle pattern
    • • Unilateral or bilateral cryptorchidism (missing one or both testicles)
    • • Unilateral or bilateral deafness (deafness in one or both ears)
    • • Screwed tail
    • • Bobbed tail
    • • Docked tail

Pocket - Breed Standard

This is an amendment to the basic standard which a Pocket Bully is determined by its adult height.
Males under 17 inches (43 cm) and no less than 14 inches(36 cm) at the withers. Females under 16 inches (40cm) and no less than 13 inches (33 cm) at the withers.

Important to note that Pocket Bully variety is simply shorter than the Standard American Bully. Pocket Bully dogs share the same build, body type, and breed type as the Standard American Bully, and are not to be penalized for exhibiting heavily muscled, massive, bulky body type.

Exotic - Breed Standard

The Exotic Bully will be shorter in Height, stout for its size and has and has an abstruse yet distinguishing physique with a blocky head. Should display effortless movement and should be active and alert to its surroundings.

Medium in length, with a broad skull, very pronounced cheek muscles, distinct stop, and high set ears. Excess of wrinkles is not desirable but is not a fault nor disqualification.
• Ears- Natural drop, rose or cropped.
• Eyes- Eye shape is oval to slightly roundish, and set far apart. Any color is acceptable except albinism. However, odd eyes (one dark, one blue or light) should be considered not preferred. Lacking pigment around the eyes is undesirable.
• Muzzle- Short blocky upper side or squared to fall abruptly below the eyes and measuring roughly 1 to 2 inches away from the head is mostly desirable.
• Jaws- well defined.
• Under jaw- is required to be strong. Lips- semi close and even proffered but slight looseness is allowed. Upper teeth- to meet tightly outside lower teeth in form or scissor bite is accepted.
• Lips- semi close and even, minimal looseness accepted but not preferred.
• Nose- All colors accepted.

• Heavy, slightly arched, tapering from shoulder to back of skull. Compact size should have minimal or no loose skin.

• Strong and muscular with blade being set wide and far apart.

• The Body should have well-sprung ribs, deep in rear and all ribs close, the chest should be deep and broad.

• Fairly short back length, a slightly sloping from withers to rump or straight is accepted with gentle short slope at butt to base of tail.

Preferred long to medium in comparison to size, low set, tapering to a fine point. Long tails over hocks, kinks and knots are serious faults, but not disqualifications.

• Heavy boned.. The front legs are able to slightly bowed. Upright pasterns are preferred. Feet should be of moderate size, well arched and compact. The hindquarters are to be well defined, let down at hocks, turning neither in nor out.

• The gait should be effortless and powerful. The action must be unrestrained, free and vigorous with powerful drive off the rear. Should maintain a straight topline while in movement. Dogs should be able to maintain a good convergence while moving with no restraints.

• Short, close to the body and soft touch, should have a glossy look.

• All colors and patterns are accepted.

• Height and weight should be in proportion of the body.

All Exotic Bully (males and females) will be categorized in 2 classes. MICRO Exotics for any dogs that are 13 inches or smaller and EXTREME Exotics for anything taller. Weight- there is no particular weight for this class but should be in proportion build of the dog.

XL - Breed Standard

This is an amendment to the basic standard which a XL Bully is determined by its adult
height. Males over 20 inches (51 cm) – 23 inches (57 cm) at the withers.
Females over 19 inches (48 cm) – 22 inches (55 cm) at the withers.

Important to note that the XL Bully variety is simply taller than the Standard American Bully. XL Bully dogs share the same build, body type, and breed type as the Standard American Bully, and are expected to carry a heavily muscled, massive, bulky body type.

Extreme - Breed Standard

This is an amendment to the basic standard which a Extreme Bully is determined by its body structure and build. Both sex dogs with heavier body frames and more overall body mass, but still exhibiting “bully” traits.

Example of Bully Traits – Blocky/heavy heads; short/square muzzles; heavier bone, muscle, and compact body. Overall more bone and substance than the modern and more “terrier type” American Pit Bull Terrier and American Staffordshire Terrier.

Extreme Bully to give the appearance of bullier, old style American Pit Bull Terriers and/or American Staffordshire Terrier, which made up the origin of the American Bully.

Extreme Bully variety is simply an American Bully dog having heavier body frames (heavier bone) and more overall body mass (more substance) than the Standard American Bully. Aside from this difference, the Extreme Bully variety follows the same standard as the Standard American Bully.

Males under 17 inches – 20 inches (43 cm – 51 cm) at the withers. Females under 16 inches – 19 inches (40 cm – 48 cm) at the withers.