World Bully Registry – WBR

Show Classes & Points


      • Must have a minimum of two (2) dogs in a class or variety.
      • Must win Best Female/ Male competing against one (1) or more dogs of your breed to get competition win.
      • In the event you receive a Best in Breed without any other class dogs, you must win at least Reserve Best in Show to earn ‘competition points’
      • Dogs can only compete in one class per show (To judges discretion.)


      • 1st Place: 5 points
      • Best Male/Female: 10 points
      • Best Male/Female: (Breeds with varieties) 5 points
      • Best Class: (Breeds with varieties) 5 points
      • Best in Breed: (15 points )
      • Best in Show: (20 points awarded)


    • Age Group:
      • Pre‐Novice- 3‐6 months (no points)
      • Novice – 6‐9 months
      • Puppy – 9‐12 months
      • Junior – 1‐2 years ( Variety Classes start from here)
      • Adult – 2‐3 years
      • Senior – 3 and over


    • Total of 50 points and one (1) major earned in one show.


      • A total of 150 points is required for a WBR Conformation Championship title.
      • A dog must earn 50 of those points in another State.
      • A dog must earn at least three major wins under tree different judges as Best Male/Female of Variety (2 dogs or more constitutes competition)
      • Dog must have attained all required points and majors under three different judges.
      • Reserve Male/Female will be awarded points and major if winner is found not to be eligible for win.
      • If a dog has at least 1 other male/female to compete with for Best Male or Best Female in the variety then winner will receive 10 points and a major.(If there are no other males, no points nor major is awarded).
      • If a dog competes against another dog for Best of Variety then winner is awarded 10 points (If there are no other varieties to compete against, no points are awarded).
      • If a dog is a Variety winner then it will compete for Best of Winners (all of the Variety winners (Standard, Pocket, XL and extreme) if a dog will win this it will achieve 10 points.


      • To earn a Grand Champion title the dog must complete a total of 5 Champion wins for Grand Champion Title.
      • Must have wins under 3 different judges.


    • WBR Sanctioned Dog Shows:
      • Multi-breed shows: offer competitions for over more than 1 breed and varieties of dogs recognized by the WBR.
      • Specialty shows: are restricted to dogs of a specific breed or to varieties/type of one breed. For example, The American Bully: Standard, Pocket, XL, EXOTIC EXTREME and MICRO EXOTIC Variety, American Pit Bull Terrier; Standard type, and American Bulldog; Standard type.


      • Be individually registered with the WORLD BULLY REGISTRY S.C.
      • Be 3 months of age or older.
      • Be a breed for which classes are offered at a show.
      • Meet any eligibility requirements in the written standard for its breed. – Classes shall be divided by breed and judged separately by sex.
      • Offspring may compete if they are permanently registered with WBR or are out of WBR Registered litters.
      • Spayed bitches and neutered dogs are eligible to compete in WBR shows.
      • All handlers are required to wear armbands in the ring.


Dog Show Regulations:

Prior to entering the show ring, dogs should be given ample time to urinate and defecate. If an ‘accident’ should happen inside the show ring, the owner/handler must clean up after their dog.

      • Owners/ handlers must have a dog crate/cage for each dog entering the dog show.
      • Owners / handlers shall keep their dogs on a leash or in a crate (shaded from the sun) at all times.
      • Owners / handlers must clean up after their dog.
      • Owners / handlers must be able to physically control their dog and also be of an age to be able to communicate and understand the judge whilst in the show ring.
      • Dog owners/ handlers must provide fresh drinking water and a drinking bowl for their dogs.
      • In the case of dogs that have undergone surgical procedures, a veterinary certificate is required and must be presented upon request.
      • All dogs participating in the dog show must be shown with a leash and choker. For the welfare of the dog and others, no spiked or studded collars are allowed on the dog inside the WBR Dog Show ring.


      • By entering any WBR event, the owner and handler of any dog agree to accept the decision of the judge as final. The decision of a judge is the responsibility of the judge and not that of world bully registry.
      • Owners / handlers must be professional and polite and respect the final ruling of the show judge.


      • No Bitches are allowed to enter the show location during their heat cycle.
      • No human aggressive dogs are allowed to enter in the competition.
      • A judge must disqualify a dog that bites or attempts to bite a person (including its handler), or that bites or attacks another dog. The term “attack” is defined as unprovoked, aggressive physical contact between at least two dogs or a dog and a person. If the bite, attempted bite or attack occurs in the ring the judge must mark the dog “disqualified” in the judge’s book and state the reason for the disqualification. The ring area includes all competition areas in which the judge is officiating including but not limited to; weigh in area, staging/holding area. The judge’s decision in such matters is final.
      • All owners / handlers must handle and control their dogs in a humane and professional way. Any mistreatment or abuse shown to the dog by its owner/ handler shall serve as an automatic expulsion from the show and will be barred from showing in any future WBR Dog Show.


Disciplinary Measures

Failure to abide to the WBR Dog Show Regulations & WBR Code Of Ethics can result in the expulsion of the owner/handler and their dogs from the Dog Show, disqualification of winnings of their dogs and be barred from entering any future WBR Dog Shows. Any person placed on suspension may appeal directly, in writing, to the WBR President. The decision of the President is final.


      • Falsification or alteration of a WBR Registration Certificate, Pedigree or any other WBR document.
      • Falsification or alteration of any reports of wins issued to WBR.
      • Falsification or alteration of receipts issued by WBR Judges.
      • Switching, wrongfully using or attempting to use a WBR Registration Certificate, Pedigree or any other WBR document.
      • Selling or attempting to sell a dog with false or incorrect WBR Registration Certificate or Pedigree.
      • Intimidating, threatening, or injuring a Judge, Club/Association member or official, event participant or spectator, or WBR representative.

The points mentioned above are just an example and WBR reserves himself their inherent right to impose sanctions in any other circumstances which it deems appropriate by WBR. Proceed legally against any person who is found guilty by a Court of law.